The BBKCC Annual General Meeting will be held June 19th at 7pm!

We also have some openings on our Board of Directors!

Treasurer - The Treasurer is responsible for the care and custody of the funds and other financial assets of the Society.

Youth Rep - To coordinate youth events at the BBKCC.

Board Members

If you are interested please email us at or call 902-865-5114 for more information! 

Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Members


Take notice that the Annual General Meeting of members of the Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre will be held at Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre, 1583 Beaver Bank Road, Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia, on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of:

a) Consideration of the annual reports of Directors and Officers;
b) Consideration of the annual financial statements
c) Election of Directors for the ensuing year;
d) Appointment of the External Accountant;
e) Transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

To:      Members of Beaver Bank-Kinsac Community Centre Association

From: BBKCC Nominations Committee

Re:     Nominees for the 2024-2025 BBKCC Board of Directors  

On behalf of the BBKCC, the Nomination Committee is pleased to propose the following list of nominations for the 2024-2025 Board of Directors. This report has been prepared in accordance with Article VIII of the by-laws of the Association. All of the candidates listed below have agreed to serve on the Board if elected.

Chair                  Gord West has agreed to allow his name stand as Chair.
Vice-Chair       Kevin Crewe has agreed to allow his name stand as Vice-Chair andBeaver Bank - Kinsac Fire Dept’s rep
Treasurer         Vacant
Secretary         Vacant
Bar Manager  Vacant
Past-Chair       Vacant 

Returning Directors:  

Mitchell Matthews             

Cheryl McKillop (Senior Keener's Representative)

Roberta Hibbert (BBCAA Rep)


New Directors:

Dawn Coolen – Secretary

Brittany Smith

Peter Wilde




Bar Manager

Youth Representative



The Committee recommends the proposed slate of nominations be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting of the Beaver Bank-Kinsac Community Centre Association on June 19th, 2024.


Thank you

Kevin Crewe

Nomination Committee

For more information on our 50+ club and their schedule Click the BBKSA icon! 

HI everyone! Beaver Bank has long been a close-knit community.  We look out for each other, we check on our neighbours and we never shy away from lending a hand.  In collaboration with the Beaver Bank Volunteer Fire Dept, and the Beaver Bank Awareness Association, the Beaver Bank Kinsac Community Centre would like to expand our community supports.   We are calling on our community to join forces with us and create a Community Serious Event Management Team. 

What do we need from you?  Do you have a resource you think might be helpful after a serious event like a weather storm, infrastructure failure etc?  Please let us know!  We are looking for everything from heavy equipment like back hoes and excavators right to chainsaws, ATV’s, snow mobiles and more.  We are also looking to create a list of qualified specialists in our community such as small engine repair persons, tree removal services etc.   You can fill out our form here or you can call us at 902-865-5114

What do we do with this info?   The BBKCC and BBCAA will compile al list of resources available in our community for emergency response.  Your information will be kept private but you may be called or contacted in the event of an emergency where one of the resources you have available is required.

What if I need help?  As always in the event of an emergency in your home such as fire, medical emergency etc please CALL 911.  The BBKCC may open as a comfort station after major weather events or community emergencies.   You will then be able to come and charge devices, get clean water, coffee, snacks and warm up/ cool down. 

Are you or someone you know living alone, aging or vulnerable?  We will also create a phone tree and offer wellness checks in the event of a large weather event or community emergency.  You can add yourself, or your loved ones, to this list here or by calling 902-865-5114. 

Large weather events and localized emergencies are becoming more common and we want to make sure our community is prepared!  If you have any questions please reach out! 902-865-5114   On the web at :